Flight Simulator ATC Radar tools for Microsoft Flight Simulators, P3D & Xplane.
ESJFS Flight Simulator ATC Radar tool.
ESJFS stands for EuroScope JoinFS and is an ATC radar tool, to display Flight Simulator (or JoinFS) traffic on the EuroScope & VRC radar scopes.
When the ESJFS tool is used with JoinFS a simulator is not needed to be run, as ESJFS will read the traffic from the whazzup file output by JoinFS.
Otherwise the traffic is sent to EuroScope or VRC by reading the data directly from the Flight Simulator, through either SimConnect (FSX/P3D/MS2020) or FSUIPC/XPUIPC (FS9/Xplane).
If reading directly from a Flight Simulator you will need the XPACK version of SimConnect or FSUIPC/XPUIPC to be installed.
ESJFS will not only display the traffic on the radar scopes, but will also add the latest METAR for the airport controlled and any flight plan information it finds for the aircraft sent. There will be more (or less) information on the traffic, depending on which connection method you choose.
For example: Using FSUIPC/XPUIPC you may not gain the callsign for some aircraft.
In this instance I replaced the Callsign with the aircraft squawk code.
Flight Simulator ATCOs can then identify the aircraft by asking it to squawk something different.
This tool can be used in conjunction with SimCom X for voice in order to control traffic on the JoinFS network.
And any other network which allows its use.