Download the SimCom X Pilot Client here
Features include…
- Voice quality based on distance.
- Supports the use of both COM1 and COM2.
- No voice server needed, but one can be setup for private use.
- The option to speak to pilots and ATC you wouldnt normally.
- Run alongside your existing voice application and continue the chat with friends, whilst also contacting ATC.
- Use with FS9, FSX Boxed, FSX Steam, all versions of P3D, MS2020 and XPlane.
- Use with various different multiplayer networks or none of them.
- Autoswitch channels by tuning the radio stack in the simulator or input a frequency manually.
- AutoSwitch frequencies using the Flight Simulator Radio stack.
- Active ATC on the SCX network show when connected. Pilots can then tune to the frequency displayed and listen to their ATIS.
- Mute users if they get annoying.
What you need…
MS2020, FSX and P3D users will need to have the Xpack version of SimConnect Installed. This does come shipped with both FSX and P3D (found in your SDK folder). But if you cant find it, you can download all Legacy SimConnect Versions Here.
FS9 & XPLANE users use the FSUIPC option. This is also available for MS2020, FSX & P3D users as an alternative to SimConnect.
FS9, FSX & P3D users can download FSUIPC from Peter Dowsons site here.
XPlane users will need XPUIPC also available on Peter Dowsons site here.
To use the SimCom X Pilot Client…
1. Download
2. Extract the installer.
3. Run the Installer.
4. Run the installed program (link on desktop).
Below is a description of the SimCom X Pilot application. It can be used with Microsoft Flight Simulators, P3D and XPlane. SimCom X Pilot allows users to host their own voice server or connect to the main SimCom X network. Connecting the client to a Flight Simulator will allow the user to autoswitch frequencies when tuning their Flight Simulator radio stack.
SimCom X Pilot Client Main Screen
1. Active Frequency Box
This displays the channel you are currently in.
2. Com 1 Frequency Switch Button.
Similar to switching frequencies on your simulator radio stack.
Press this to make whatever frequency is in your Standby box the Active Frequency.
This is disabled when auto switch is selected as the user tunes with the flight sim radio.
3. The Client Window for Com 1
You will see any clients that are in the same channel as you in this window.
It will show their Callsign followed by how far they’re away from you in Nautical Miles(Nm).
If Nm is 0 they are either really, really close or their (or your) position can not be found.
A (TX) will show after the clients name when they are transmitting and (M) when they are muted.
Double clicking this window will open the Mute window.
Any Callsign entered into the mute window will be muted.
The muted client will not get any indication that they have been muted.
4. COM 2 Active Frequency Box
This displays the channel you are currently in
5. Com 2 Frequency Switch Button.
Similar to switching frequencies on your simulator radio stack.
Press this to make whatever frequency is in your Standby box the Active Frequency.
This is disabled when auto switch is selected as the user tunes with the flight sim radio.
6. The Main Console Window
Displays information about what is happening.
7. The Client Window for Com 2
You will see any clients that are in the same channel as you in this window.
It will show their Callsign followed by how far they’re away from you in Nautical Miles(Nm).
If Nm is 0 they are either really, really close or their (or your) position can not be found.
A (TX) will show after the clients name when they are transmitting and (M) when they are muted.
8. Message Box
Type a text message in this box and click SEND to send it to all connected clients.
Any text messages received will show in your Main Console Window.
9. The Status Light.
Gray = You are not using SCX Mode (nothing to worry about).
Orange = Waiting to be verified (nothing to worry about).
Green = All is good and your settings are correct.
Red = People have tried, but nobody can connect to you.
If your status is Red you will not receive any messages from other clients.
How to fix the issue….
- If you dont have the Upnp tickbox ticked on the SimCom X config screen, Tick it and restart SimCom X.
- If you do have the Upnp tickbox ticked on the config screen, check that Upnp is enabled in your router.
- Open the UDP port that you have in your config, in your router.
If after trying all of the above you still get a red status light, the chances are that your firewall is blocking SimCom X . Ask for help in the SimCom X section of the DotDash forum and somebody should be able to help.
This page may help to allow Simcom_X server through your firewall.
10. COM 2 Button
When this is green you will transmit on the COM 2 active frequency.
You can not transmit on COM 1 and COM 2 at the same time.
11. The Callsign Box
Type in here the name you wish to be displayed as.
This should really be your Callsign (AAL123 or GABCD) but there is nothing to stop you entering Bob, Fred etc etc.
Any person acting as an ATC needs to input their airport ICAO code followed by their controlling position.
Example: KLAX_TWR or EGLL_APP.
This is because SCX will gain your position details from the ICAO code in order to show your distance from other clients connected.
If you input Bob, Fred etc whilst acting as ATC, SCX will assume that you’re controlling on the equator and calculate the wrong distance.
12. COM 1 Button
When this is green you will transmit on the COM 1 active frequency.
You can not transmit on COM 1 and COM 2 at the same time.
13. The Server Box
Unless you select the Group Mode on the config screen, nothing is needed to be input into this box and the box can remain empty.
If you are looking to Join a Group Server that you know somebody else is hosting, this is where you will input the IP address and port number for that server.
Ask the person hosting the server for the IP and port you need to input.
14. Com 1 standby frequency box
This is where you tune the frequency that you want to connect to, before making it the active frequency by pressing the Frequency Switch Button.
You can not edit this frequency and it will show the standby frequency when connected to a simulator and autoswitch selected.
15. Active ATC Window
Displays the Callsign, Frequency and how far that controller is away from you in Nautical Miles(NM).
This window will only display controllers connected to the SCX network.
In SCX mode simply tune to the controllers frequency to contact them.
16. Com 2 standby frequency box
This is where you tune the frequency that you want to connect to, before making it the active frequency by pressing the Frequency Switch Button.
You can not edit this frequency and it will show the standby frequency when connected to a simulator and autoswitch selected.
17. Squawk Box
This will show your aircraft squawk when connected to a simulator and —- when connected as an ATC.
18. Both Button
If this is selected you will receive on both radios, although you can only transmit on one at a time.
Example: Speaking to ATC 123.450 Com 1, whilst also listening out on Unicom 122.800 on Com 2.
18a. Split PTT
In the latest versions of SimCom X Pilot, I have now added a feature I’ve called Split PTT. This allows the user to configure 2 PTT buttons. 1 for COM1 TX and one for COM2 TX.
A user can now listen to both frequencies with the BOTH Button selected and reply to each one using the corresponding PTT TX button.
So if COM2 isn’t selected as the active box, pressing the PTT2 key will still allow a user to transmit on COM2.
19. Config Button
Opens the Config Screen.
An explanation of the Config screen is below.
If the Config Screen is already open then this button closes the Config Screen.
Be aware that the Config screen may open behind the Main Screen if you can’t find it.
20. The Power Button
Press this to turn the Radio (SimCom X) On and Off.
When the button border is Red, the radio (SimCom X) is off.
When the button border is Green, the radio(SimCom X) is on.
When the button border is Orange, the radio(SimCom X) is working trying to connect.
21. Sim
Indicates if you are connected to a simulator or not.
Simulator connections can be made through SimConnect (FSX/P3D/MS2020) or FSUIPC/XPUIPC (FS9/XPlane).
You do not need to connect to a simulator to use SimCom X and it can be used without one (as ATC for example).
But if you are connected to a sim you will be able to switch frequencies from within your sim and your position data can be gained.
22. Voice
Indicates if you are connected to a Voice server or not.
23. Mode
This is the mode you are using.
SCX = SimCom X network.
Group = Group Mode.
24. PTT Display
This displays the Joystick button or Keyboard Key you are using as your PTT(Push To Talk).
I’ve never heard a pilot or ATC use a continuous transmit in the real world, as such there is only a PTT option in SCX.
Press the SET button to set your PTT, then immediately after press the key/button you would like as your PTT. See also 18a above regarding split PTT.
SimCom X Pilot Client Config Screen
1. Version Number
Displays the current version installed.
Double Click to display the Latest version available.
2. Input Device
Select from the drop down list the Microphone/Input device you would like to use for Voice.
3. Output Device
Select from the drop down list the Speakers/Headset device you would like to hear Voice and sounds through.
4. FSX/P3D TickBox
Select this to connect to FSX or P3D via SimConnect.
5. FSUIPC TickBox
Select this to connect to your simulator via FSUIPC or XPUIPC for Xplane.
6. Host Group Server TickBox
This is the Group Mode Feature.
Select this to Host a server for people to connect to.
UDP Port 9988 will need to be forwarded correctly for people to connect to your server.
With this option selected you will only be able to connect to your server.
You will not be able to host a server at the same time as using the SCX or Join a Server modes.
The IP address you need to give people will appear in the IP Address Bar.
7. Join Group Server TickBox
Select this to Join a server that somebody is hosting.
After ticking this box you will need to input the hosts IP address into the server box on the Main screen.
8. SIMCOM X TickBox
Select this to connect to the SCX network.
SimCom X stores a list of Pilots and ATC using the network.
With this option selected the SimCom X will look through the list for connected users and find those on the same frequency as you.
When a user is found, you connect to them through UDP port 9988.
If you can not connect to them, you host that frequency and their status light turns red to let them know of the issue. They are also removed from the list of users.
When you are the frequency host people will connect to you, which is why SimCom X needs to be added to any firewalls and UDP port 9988 forwarded.
Port 9988 can either be opened manually (by adding a port forward to your router) or automatically by ticking the Upnp option on the SimCom X config screen.
It is especially important for ATC to have the port open as they are shown on the ATC list.
If ATC are removed from the users list they also will not show in the Active ATC box.
9. ATC TickBox
Select this if you are acting as an ATC.
With this selected you will show in the Active ATC Box on the main screen and on the
JoinFS map as a green tower icon, along with your frequency.
If you want to control JoinFS traffic you can use the ESJFS tool listed on this website.
10. Enable Upnp
With this option selected SimCom X will use Upnp to allow traffic through your router on UDP port 9988.
This is useful if you’re not sure how to forward ports correctly.
To use this option your router must be enabled to use Upnp.
11. Save Button
Saves the current config and closes the Config Screen.
12. The IP Address Bar
If Host a Group Server is selected the IP for that server (Your External IP) is displayed here.
This is the IP users will need in order to connect to your server.
If the IP Address Bar is double clicked the IP is copied to the clipboard so that it can be pasted for others.
13. Auto Com Switch
If this is selected and you are connected to a simulator, you will automatically switch frequency in SimCom X as you tune your radios in your simulator.
SimCom X now supports 2 Com radios.
The frequencies it switches to will be that displayed as the ACTIVE frequencies in your simulator.
The standby frequencies will also update in SimCom X as you tune them in your simulator.
You will need to be connected to a simulator to autoswitch.
14. Show Messages
Once connected to a simulator this box is able to be selected.
Once selected messages will be displayed in your simulator when SimCom X Connects, Disconnects or changes Frequency.
This allows the user to keep SimCom X minimised and know that they have switched frequency.
15. Distance TickBox
If selected the distance you hear other stations will be as follows…
Any station 40nm or less will be heard as normal.
Any station 200nm away or more will not be heard.
Between 40nm and 200nm the sound volume will be adjusted.
The further away the station, the quieter they will be.This now includes altitude to try and simulate line of sight. If a station is 60nm away and on the ground, they will be heard quiter than a station 60nm and at 6000ft.
This feature does not affect your transmit and you will still transmit worldwide.
It’s an option for users to limit only what they receive.
You will need to be connected to a simulator or acting as an ATC (with your callsign set correctly) to use the voice distance option.
16. On Freq Change TickBox
If selected a sound will play when you have changed to a different channel.
17. On RX Finish TickBox
If selected a sound will play when you have stopped receiving a transmission (the person talking has let go of their PTT).
18. On TX Finish TickBox
If selected a sound will play when you have stopped transmitting (let go of your PTT).
19. Background Static TickBox
If selected a static sound will play in the background whilst receiving a transmission (when the RX light is lit).
20. Font Colour
If selected the colour of the text on the main screen is changed.
21. DotDash.Space logo
Nope, its not a cassette tape (yes I am that old).
This is the logo I’ve created for this website which I’m slowly putting together to host the applications I create.
Clicking this logo will open this website in your browser.
If you do like and use the SimCom X Pilot Client (or any of my apps on this site) and you would like to thank me for my time writting them, you are able to buy me a coffee (or something stronger) by clicking the PayPal donate link
on this page.
If you have any feedback, issues or questions about the SimCom X Pilot Client, please feel free to leave a comment on this page below.
no xplane support then ?
Yes there is Xplane Support using XPUIPC.
I have xuipc installed but when i run JoinFS and SIMCOM X it says in SIMCOM X wondow RED Sim Offline
is there an instuctional video on how to get this to work in xplane
Did you manage to connect your Xplane to SimCom X? I ran a few tests with Xplane the other day and all seemed fine.
I’m afraid there is no instructional video at the moment.
Once I get some time, I’ll try and put something together.
All that should be needed for Xplane to work with SimCom X is..
1. XPUIPC is installed correctly for Xplane.
2. The FSUIPC tickbox is ticked in the SimCom X config.
If it still doesnt work there is a log file in your Program Files(x86)/simcomx folder.
If you still have issues there is a discussion on the JoinFS forums which might help.
Hello Roo!
Great job on SimComX sir! We’ve started using SimComX for our group flights because it’s easier on resources than Discord and we love that it sounds like an old VHF radio.
One thing I would like to ask is how difficult would it be to add a volume knob to SimCom’s radio stack?
Volume adjustment now available in the latest version.
Hi Kenny.
It should be doable but it’ll have to be at the bottom of the list at the moment.
Hi, thanks for the software.
I have a problem with FS2020. The Sim: is connected to the app, but the frequency aren’t shown on the SIMCOM X application.
Thank helping me.
I’m looking into FS2020 issues at the moment.
It seems to be an issue with the new SimConnect that comes with FS2020?
the SimCom X windows just dosn’t show up anymore…
Actually the icon is shown in the tray but there is no way to revert its normal working (even if clicking on it the SimCom X window is not shown)
I tried event to uninstall and install it again with no success
Hi Eraldo.
I’ve seen the app stays minimised issue before with other apps.
I don’t believe this is a Simcom X issue.
Are you using Windows 10?
If so you could try the solutions listed on the site below.
actually it was a window issue (it was by mistake reduced at 1 line) therefore make it running at full screen solved the issue
Thanks a lot
Glad to hear it’s fixed.
I’m trying to use it (with FSX and Global network joined in JoinFS) but even if all the boxes are green I don’t see any other in the list neither others can see me
If the port 9988 is not open will be the Voice box shown in green ?
Actualy I tested wth a friend with the same setup and even he was not able to make it working (all boxes green also for him): we were in the same airport, visible in the simulator online session and on the same COM1 frequency
Can you post your log to the Simcom X thread on Peters JoinFS forum?
I’ll have a look to see why you might have issues.
following the log of SimCom X
P.S: I don’t know why but sometimes the setting to Auto switch COM frequency is automatically unchecked (I have regularely to set it again manually)
###### SimCom X Log Created at 13:27:32 15/12/2020 Zulu ######
13:27:34 Sound Devices in use:
13:27:34 Micrófono (High Definition Audio Device)
13:27:34 Altavoces (High Definition Audio Device)
13:27:42 Upnp Ticked.
13:27:45 Upnp Enabled Router not found!
13:27:45 Open.Nat.NatDeviceNotFoundException: Generata eccezione di tipo ‘Open.Nat.NatDeviceNotFoundException’.
in Open.Nat.NatDiscoverer.<DiscoverDeviceAsync>d__5.MoveNext()
— Fine traccia dello stack da posizione precedente dove è stata generata l’eccezione —
in System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
in System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
in Open.Nat.NatDiscoverer.<DiscoverDeviceAsync>d__4.MoveNext()
— Fine traccia dello stack da posizione precedente dove è stata generata l’eccezione —
in System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
in System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
in SIMCOM_X.Form1.<Port_checkAsync>d__167.MoveNext()
13:33:49 Looking for COM 1 Frequency!
13:33:49 —.— Not Found!
13:33:49 Found a Random Server for COM 1
13:33:50 CONNECTED TO 6C465352365335783236533037304C31425469776B673D3D
13:33:50 COM 1 Created and switched to —.—
13:33:50 Looking for Freq 2!
13:33:50 Looking for COM 2 Frequency!
13:33:50 COM 1 Switched to —.—
13:33:50 —.— Not Found!
13:33:50 Added I-ICES PILOT
13:33:50 Found a Random Server for COM 2
13:33:50 COM 2 CONNECTED TO 6C465352365335783236533037304C31425469776B673D3D
13:33:51 Com 2 Switched to —.—
13:33:51 Added I-ICES 2 OBS
13:33:51 Trying to Connect to SimConnect!
13:33:51 Successfully Connected SimCom X to SimConnect!
13:33:51 SimConnect COM1 Freq = 119.800
13:33:51 SimConnect COM2 Freq = 127.875
13:34:20 ATC Error 1!
13:34:20 System.FormatException: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
in System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
in System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
in SIMCOM_X.Form1.<>c.<Atc>b__132_1(String x)
in System.Linq.EnumerableSorter
2.ComputeKeys(TElement[] elements, Int32 count)
1.Sort(TElement[] elements, Int32 count)in System.Linq.EnumerableSorter
in System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable
2.ComputeKeys(TElement[] elements, Int32 count)in SIMCOM_X.Form1.Atc(Object sender, EventArgs e)
13:34:20 LatLon Error: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Il valore del parametro deve essere compreso tra -90,0 e 90,0.
Nome parametro: Latitude
in System.Device.Location.GeoCoordinate.set_Latitude(Double value)
in System.Device.Location.GeoCoordinate..ctor(Double latitude, Double longitude, Double altitude, Double horizontalAccuracy, Double verticalAccuracy, Double speed, Double course)
in SIMCOM_X.Form1.LatLonWorker_DoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
13:34:50 ATC Error 1!
13:34:50 System.FormatException: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
in System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
in System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
in SIMCOM_X.Form1.<>c.<Atc>b__132_1(String x)
in System.Linq.EnumerableSorter
in System.Linq.EnumerableSorter
1.Sort(TElement[] elements, Int32 count)
1.<GetEnumerator>d__1.MoveNext()in System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable
in SIMCOM_X.Form1.Atc(Object sender, EventArgs e)
13:34:50 LatLon Error: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Il valore del parametro deve essere compreso tra -90,0 e 90,0.
Nome parametro: Latitude
in System.Device.Location.GeoCoordinate.set_Latitude(Double value)
in System.Device.Location.GeoCoordinate..ctor(Double latitude, Double longitude, Double altitude, Double horizontalAccuracy, Double verticalAccuracy, Double speed, Double course)
in SIMCOM_X.Form1.LatLonWorker_DoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
13:35:56 Error displaying COM 1 users!
13:35:56 Error displaying COM 2 users!
13:35:56 Error displaying COM 2 users!
13:35:56 Error displaying COM 1 users!
13:35:56 ATC Error 1!
13:35:56 System.FormatException: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
in System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
in System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
in SIMCOM_X.Form1.<>c.<Atc>b__132_1(String x)
in System.Linq.EnumerableSorter
2.ComputeKeys(TElement[] elements, Int32 count)
1.Sort(TElement[] elements, Int32 count)in System.Linq.EnumerableSorter
in System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable
2.ComputeKeys(TElement[] elements, Int32 count)in SIMCOM_X.Form1.Atc(Object sender, EventArgs e)
13:35:56 LatLon Error: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Il valore del parametro deve essere compreso tra -90,0 e 90,0.
Nome parametro: Latitude
in System.Device.Location.GeoCoordinate.set_Latitude(Double value)
in System.Device.Location.GeoCoordinate..ctor(Double latitude, Double longitude, Double altitude, Double horizontalAccuracy, Double verticalAccuracy, Double speed, Double course)
in SIMCOM_X.Form1.LatLonWorker_DoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
13:37:28 ATC Error 1!
13:37:28 System.FormatException: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
in System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
in System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
in SIMCOM_X.Form1.<>c.<Atc>b__132_1(String x)
in System.Linq.EnumerableSorter
in System.Linq.EnumerableSorter
1.Sort(TElement[] elements, Int32 count)
1.<GetEnumerator>d__1.MoveNext()in System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable
in SIMCOM_X.Form1.Atc(Object sender, EventArgs e)
13:37:28 LatLon Error: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Il valore del parametro deve essere compreso tra -90,0 e 90,0.
Nome parametro: Latitude
in System.Device.Location.GeoCoordinate.set_Latitude(Double value)
in System.Device.Location.GeoCoordinate..ctor(Double latitude, Double longitude, Double altitude, Double horizontalAccuracy, Double verticalAccuracy, Double speed, Double course)
in SIMCOM_X.Form1.LatLonWorker_DoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
13:37:32 ATC Error 1!
13:37:32 System.FormatException: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
in System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
in System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
in SIMCOM_X.Form1.<>c.<Atc>b__132_1(String x)
in System.Linq.EnumerableSorter
2.ComputeKeys(TElement[] elements, Int32 count)
1.Sort(TElement[] elements, Int32 count)in System.Linq.EnumerableSorter
in System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`1.<GetEnumerator>d__1.MoveNext()
in SIMCOM_X.Form1.Atc(Object sender, EventArgs e)
13:37:37 SimCom X started Closing…
13:37:37 SimConnect Disconnected!
13:37:37 Port Removed!
13:37:37 Client Removed!
13:37:37 Simcom X Closed Successfully!
Ok there are a few errors in there, which I’ll tidy up next time I’m working on it.
None of them should cause you issues as an end user, with the exception you wouldn’t see other users which you mentioned.
You would still be able to talk to them, it’s just they wouldn’t show in the client window.
Autoswitch will untick on purpose when no SIM is found for a time.
“13:27:42 Upnp Ticked.
13:27:45 Upnp Enabled Router not found!”
As mentioned untick Upnp in the Simcom X config.
Your router is not setup for Upnp.
I’ve added a user to 123.450 just now so you are able to test.
I hope that helps.
I have tried (unticking Upnp) using the frequency you said but no one was answering
I’ll wait for the display fix before trying again
Well the good news is that I did see you and can confirm that all was working as expected.
But I didn’t have a headset plugged in to say hello .
I’ll try and find some time shortly to issue an update.
the client has been automatically updated to the last version but I still have log issue entries
###### SimCom X Log Created at 16:44:00 16/12/2020 Zulu ######
16:44:01 Sound Devices in use:
16:44:01 Micrófono (High Definition Audio Device)
16:44:01 Altavoces (High Definition Audio Device)
16:44:03 Upnp Unticked.
16:45:28 Looking for COM 1 Frequency!
16:45:28 —.— Not Found!
16:45:28 Found a Random Server for COM 1
16:45:28 CONNECTED TO 6C465352365335783236533037304C31425469776B673D3D
16:45:28 COM 1 Created and switched to —.—
16:45:28 Looking for Freq 2!
16:45:28 Looking for COM 2 Frequency!
16:45:28 COM 1 Switched to —.—
16:45:29 —.— Not Found!
16:45:29 Found a Random Server for COM 2
16:45:29 Added I-ICES PILOT
16:45:29 COM 2 CONNECTED TO 6C465352365335783236533037304C31425469776B673D3D
16:45:29 Com 2 Switched to —.—
16:45:29 Trying to Connect to SimConnect!
16:45:30 Successfully Connected SimCom X to SimConnect!
16:45:30 Added I-ICES 2 OBS
16:45:30 SimConnect COM1 Freq = 119.800
16:45:30 SimConnect COM2 Freq = 127.875
16:45:57 Box 1 Active = 119.800
16:45:57 Box 1 Stby = 128.250
16:45:57 Box 2 Active = 127.875
16:45:57 Box 2 Stby = 123.775
16:45:57 COM 1 Switch Detected!
16:45:57 Looking for COM 1 Frequency!
16:45:57 119.800 Not Found!
16:45:57 Found a Random Server for COM 1
16:45:57 CONNECTED TO 6C465352365335783236533037304C31425469776B673D3D
16:45:57 COM 1 Created and switched to 119.800
16:45:57 COM 2 Switch Detected!
16:45:57 Looking for Freq 2!
16:45:57 Looking for COM 2 Frequency!
16:45:57 COM 1 Switched to 119.800
16:45:57 127.875 Not Found!
16:45:57 Found a Random Server for COM 2
16:45:58 Added I-ICES PILOT
16:45:58 COM 2 CONNECTED TO 6C465352365335783236533037304C31425469776B673D3D
16:45:58 COM 2 Created and switched to 127.875
16:45:58 Com 2 Switched to 127.875
16:46:00 ATC Sort Error!
16:46:00 System.FormatException: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
in System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
in System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
in SIMCOM_X.Form1.<>c.<Atc>b__132_1(String x)
in System.Linq.EnumerableSorter
2.ComputeKeys(TElement[] elements, Int32 count)
1.Sort(TElement[] elements, Int32 count)in System.Linq.EnumerableSorter
in System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable
2.ComputeKeys(TElement[] elements, Int32 count)in SIMCOM_X.Form1.Atc(Object sender, EventArgs e)
16:46:00 Added I-ICES 2 OBS
16:46:06 SimConnect COM1 Freq = 121.800
16:46:07 Box 1 Active = 121.800
16:46:07 Box 1 Stby = 128.250
16:46:07 SimConnect COM1 Freq = 122.800
16:46:07 COM 1 Switch Detected!
16:46:07 Looking for COM 1 Frequency!
16:46:07 121.800 Not Found!
16:46:07 Found a Random Server for COM 1
16:46:08 CONNECTED TO 6C465352365335783236533037304C31425469776B673D3D
16:46:08 COM 1 Created and switched to 121.800
16:46:08 COM 1 Switched to 121.800
16:46:08 Box 1 Active = 122.800
16:46:08 Box 1 Stby = 128.250
16:46:08 Added I-ICES PILOT
16:46:09 COM 1 Switch Detected!
16:46:09 Looking for COM 1 Frequency!
16:46:09 No IP Found!
16:46:09 COM 1 Created and switched to 122.800
16:46:09 COM 1 Switched to 122.800
16:46:09 Added I-ICES PILOT
16:46:29 ATC Sort Error!
16:46:29 System.FormatException: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
in System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
in System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
in SIMCOM_X.Form1.<>c.<Atc>b__132_1(String x)
in System.Linq.EnumerableSorter
in System.Linq.EnumerableSorter
1.Sort(TElement[] elements, Int32 count)
1.<GetEnumerator>d__1.MoveNext()in System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable
in SIMCOM_X.Form1.Atc(Object sender, EventArgs e)
16:46:59 Looking for COM 1 Frequency!
16:46:59 No IP Found!
16:46:59 COM 1 Created and switched to 122.800
16:46:59 Looking for Freq 2!
16:46:59 Looking for COM 2 Frequency!
16:46:59 COM 1 Switched to 122.800
16:46:59 Found 127.875 on 73324B4138486D46455854654267674D39473767754E6545685139577A76496642727558323264374273343D
16:47:00 Added I-ICES PILOT
16:47:00 COM 2 CONNECTED TO 6C465352365335783236533037304C31425469776B673D3D
16:47:00 COM 2 Created and switched to 127.875
16:47:00 Com 2 Switched to 127.875
16:47:01 Added I-ICES 2 OBS
16:47:30 ATC Sort Error!
16:47:30 System.FormatException: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
in System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
in System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
in SIMCOM_X.Form1.<>c.<Atc>b__132_1(String x)
in System.Linq.EnumerableSorter
2.ComputeKeys(TElement[] elements, Int32 count)
1.Sort(TElement[] elements, Int32 count)in System.Linq.EnumerableSorter
in System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable
2.ComputeKeys(TElement[] elements, Int32 count)in SIMCOM_X.Form1.Atc(Object sender, EventArgs e)
16:47:59 ATC Sort Error!
16:47:59 System.FormatException: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
in System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
in System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
in SIMCOM_X.Form1.<>c.<Atc>b__132_1(String x)
in System.Linq.EnumerableSorter
in System.Linq.EnumerableSorter
1.Sort(TElement[] elements, Int32 count)
1.<GetEnumerator>d__1.MoveNext()in System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable
in SIMCOM_X.Form1.Atc(Object sender, EventArgs e)
16:48:29 ATC Sort Error!
16:48:30 System.FormatException: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
in System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
in System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
in SIMCOM_X.Form1.<>c.<Atc>b__132_1(String x)
in System.Linq.EnumerableSorter
2.ComputeKeys(TElement[] elements, Int32 count)
1.Sort(TElement[] elements, Int32 count)in System.Linq.EnumerableSorter
in System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable
2.ComputeKeys(TElement[] elements, Int32 count)in SIMCOM_X.Form1.Atc(Object sender, EventArgs e)
16:48:59 ATC Sort Error!
16:48:59 System.FormatException: Formato della stringa di input non corretto.
in System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
in System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
in SIMCOM_X.Form1.<>c.<Atc>b__132_1(String x)
in System.Linq.EnumerableSorter
in System.Linq.EnumerableSorter
1.Sort(TElement[] elements, Int32 count)
1.<GetEnumerator>d__1.MoveNext()in System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable
in SIMCOM_X.Form1.Atc(Object sender, EventArgs e)
16:49:24 SimCom X started Closing…
16:49:24 SimConnect Disconnected!
16:49:24 Port Removed!
16:49:24 Client Removed!
16:49:24 Simcom X Closed Successfully!
I think I know what is causing this, but I’ve no time to try and correct it at the moment.
The good news is that it should only affect the position of the Active ATC on the ATC window. Everything else should work fine.
Ive told Simcom X to sort the ATC as nearest to you at the top. It seems to have an issue doing this.
I remembered while I was working on another app of mine that Europe uses , where the UK uses . in cooerdinates.
I’ve a feeling that may be the culprit, I’ll get a fix out as soon as I can.
Hi, I am running simcomx but the app interface is not showing on my desktop…
Hi Anthony.
Do you mean that you are unable to run the installer, the installer runs but there is no icon on your desktop or that there is a desktop icon but nothing happens when you click it?
What windows version are you using?
Est ce que cette discution est toujours active (dernier message janvier 2021) ?
J’aimerais poser une question :
Je fais partie d’une VAC (TOF). Nous faisons des vols régulièrement en groupe ( entre 15 et 25 par vol).
Nous volons principalement sur MSFS2020.
Nous aimerions faire un ATC pour initier certains d’entre nous sans aller sur des centres de contrôle tout en ayant la simulation d’une radio VHF (bruit, portée, etc…).
Est-ce que Simcom X permet d’être utilisé en ATC (ex : une TWR sur un aérodrome) sans avoir à lancer un simulateur pour le contrôleur ?
Et les pilotes seraient connectés aussi sur Simcom X.
Si oui comment procéder ?
Si non, connaissez-vous un logiciel qui le fait ?
Encore merci.
Hello Is this discussion still active (last message January 2021)? I would like to ask a question: I am part of a VAC (TOF). We do regular group flights (between 15 and 25 per flight). We mainly fly on MSFS2020. We would like to do an ATC to initiate some of us without going to control centers while having the simulation of a VHF radio (noise, range, etc…). Does Simcom X allow you to be used in ATC (e.g. a TWR on an airfield) without having to launch a simulator for the controller? And the drivers would be connected to Simcom X as well. If so, how to proceed? If not, do you know any software that does?
Thank you again.
Hi Didier,
Yes Simcom X will work without a simulator open.
Air Traffic Controllers would leave the FSX/P3D and FSUIPC boxes unticked and instead tick the ATC box.
When the FSX/P3D or FSUIPC boxes are ticked, the clients position is gained from a simulator.
When the ATC box is ticked the clients position is gained from their callsign.
That’s why it is important for clients acting as an ATC to set their callsign correctly.
LFPB_TWR or LFBO_APP for example.
The first 4 characters need to be an airport ICAO code.
Pilots would not tick ATC but instead tick FSX/P3D (works with MSFS2020 too).
If a pilot would like Simcom X to switch frequency when the MSFS2020 radio is tuned, they would also tick the autoswitch box.
If a pilot or ATC would like to reduce the voice quality based on distance from one another, they would like the Distance box.
Any ATC using SimCom X with the SCX Mode ticked, will also show on the JoinFS Map.
If SCX Mode is unticked one of your group will need to host the Simcom X voice session and everybody else would connect to them.
Whoever hosts will need UDP port 9988 open, so choose somebody who knows how to do that.
I hope that helps?
Salut Didier,
Oui Simcom X fonctionnera sans un simulateur ouvert.
Les contrôleurs aériens laisseraient les cases FSX/P3D et FSUIPC décochées et cocheraient à la place la case ATC.
Lorsque les cases FSX/P3D ou FSUIPC sont cochées, la position des clients est acquise à partir d’un simulateur.
Lorsque la case ATC est cochée, la position du client est obtenue à partir de son indicatif.
C’est pourquoi il est important que les clients agissant en tant qu’ATC définissent correctement leur indicatif.
LFPB_TWR ou LFBO_APP par exemple.
Les 4 premiers caractères doivent être un code OACI de l’aéroport.
Les pilotes ne cocheraient pas ATC mais plutôt FSX/P3D (fonctionne également avec MSFS2020).
Si un pilote souhaite que Simcom X change de fréquence lorsque la radio MSFS2020 est réglée, il coche également la case de commutation automatique.
Si un pilote ou un ATC souhaite réduire la qualité de la voix en fonction de la distance les uns par rapport aux autres, ils aimeraient la case Distance.
Tout ATC utilisant SimCom X avec le mode SCX coché s’affichera également sur la carte JoinFS.
Si le mode SCX est décoché, un membre de votre groupe devra héberger la session vocale Simcom X et tout le monde s’y connectera.
Celui qui héberge aura besoin du port UDP 9988 ouvert, alors choisissez quelqu’un qui sait comment le faire.
J’espère que ça aide?
Hi, I am using P3D v5 and would like to know if it would be possible to bind a second PTT button to allow keying Com 1 and Com 2? I am using it with Fighter jets and the key binds for the throttle show 2 COM buttons.
I’ve built the newer version now and I’ve added the 2 PTT button option.
It’s not compatible with older versions.
Let me know how it goes.
Hi Ian.
I’ll add it to the list.